Friday, March 7, 2008

Amazing sushi restaurant, Sushitsune 109 Building, Shibuya

at this brilliant sushi place in shibuya. here, someone's just ordered some yellowtail, so one of the restaurant employees is fishing a big one out of the fishtank. it was a live one. it didn't want to die. so the employee had to swing it like a club, smashing it repeatedly against the counter trying to kill it. it helped calm the fish down, but so did what he did next, which was to take a huge knife and slice it in half. this didn't kill the fish immediately, but it really chilled it out. of note is the fact that the whole time he was taking care of the fish, he was taking care of his customers, too. even as he swung and sliced away, he still made time to greet each and every customer who walked through the door with a hearty "irashaimasse!", which means "hello! welcome! come in!"
another employee rang a big bell, and everyone clapped, at each stage of the spectacle, and then the still beating heart was placed on a little plate in beautiful presentation and served to a cute, but nervous-about-eating-a-beating-heart, japan
ese girl.

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